The scientific experience in the production of fodder has a great impact on the earn of owners of fields and lakes and their impact on the development of livestock and food development in order to make the most of them and reduce costs and time and keep pace with companies in neighbouring countries, which serve the local production and reduce imports and eliminate unemployment in the country and the operation of cadres specialized in this field.

Which contributes to increase and improve the production of chicken meat and table eggs and provide them in the local markets to self-sufficiency.

1- The products of the plant are made of feed in the form of (PLT) from (1) mm to (2) mm. The feed is in three stages.

2- Factory production from the feed of the floating fish and submersible and in the form of Platt and the measurements are from (3) mm to (8) mm and according to the size and age of the fish and weight wich given in two phases the first and second phase.